31 October 2009

Happy Halloween!

Scott and I met in college, at the ice cream store where we both worked.

Ironically, we also are both incredibly addicted to the stuff. Ice cream is not something we generally keep in the freezer because neither of us have any self-control with it. We just go out for a cone when we want it. Which is a lot.

The day I had Peter, we were at the hospital early early in the morning, 5am. One of the questions was "what was the last thing you ate?". I bet you can guess the two words I chirped to the nurse in response.

Ice cream. It has a history in our house. So the choice of costume this year was a no brainer.

Happy Halloween, my pets!

28 October 2009

I'm getting something leather, right?

Happy happy annivesary, my darling. Just think, it was 3 short years ago at this very moment that we were both having silent-yet-very-public nervous breakdowns because OMG EVERYONE IS STARING AT USSSSSSSS, MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP. That had to be, hands down, the most stressful, longest, hour-ish time period of my life.

I still think you were worth it, though.

ps - way more pics posted last year, when I had a whole hell of a lot more time on my hands.

27 October 2009


Okay for those who don't know what I meant by the Patrick Swayze comment in the last update (because seriously like whaaaaa...? One of the best roles in history? No but reallllllly??).

Anyway. Hopefully this video jogs your memory.

Peace out.

Roll out the barrel...

Bad mommy alert.

I think I might have forgotten to maybe recognize a tiny milestone here at the Mueller household. We, ah, have movement.

Oh, but not of the scooting or crawling kind. Instead, our dear boy has decided to pick up the fine art of barrel-rolling. Daycare alerted us of this feat first, when I came to pick him up one night Peter was playing with a toy near the door. "He started out over there" she said, and pointed to an area well into the depths of her house. I laughed because I figured she was joking. I mean, come on. Then she informed me that he rolls the entire way. Well, that would make sense...

That evening I put him on his mat to play and stepped back a bit. And sure enough - tentative for sure, but he rolls, then looks around, then may decide to change direction (which he does by scooting with his feet), then rolls again... Hilarious. It is a fun kind of movement because it's slow, and we really don't have to do much baby-proofing for this.

Or so I tell myself. In this picture - he is laughing, right? And then a few minutes later he bonked his head when he rolled into the kitchen cabinets.

And here - he had changed direction and rolled into the pantry, into a growler, knocking it down like a bowling ball hitting a bowling pin.

Fun times. Oh - and I'm totally back-dating this so it pops up in the correct order in time. I'm only off by a few days, I pinky swear.

26 October 2009

Weekend Update 10.25.09

My work is doing their usual “Celebrate Walktober” thing this month (it’s a “get healthy!” program where you are asked to go for a walk every day in October, or at least as often as possible). Weather cooperating, I try to take Peter out for a walk in the evenings. It’s been pretty rainy and chilly here this October, though, so it hasn’t always panned out... When we are able to walk, Peter usually zonks out in the Bjorn before we get home (man, he loves that thing. Best money ever spent). Here’s how he is usually deposited when we get back:

When I try to get him back to sleep the bazillion times he wakes in the middle of the night, the slightest shift in weight startles him wide awake. And yet - constant jostling and being plunked face-down on our (smother-tastic down-covered) bed doesn’t faze him in the least. Kids are so weird.

Peter also had a dr. appt. this past week. His weight and height are in the 50th percentile, the doctor proclaimed him “perfectly normal”. I personally would like to take this moment to let that sink in for all those people who think our baby is huge or “so heavy!” or whatever. Because yeah guess what, naw. He isn’t. I think that is just going to be a permanent by-product of having a big newborn and I need to get used to it. Not like there is anything wrong with big babies mind you, as far as I’m concerned the chubbier the better. But it’s still a little odd to have people constantly commenting on a normal-sized baby as “hulking, and huge, a little linebacker, etc.”. Maybe that's supposed to be a compliment because he's a boy, I don't know...

I also made my weight in cupcakes this week, all for the love of Jules. I told her I’d make desserts for her Halloween party, and with 50+ RSVPed that meant lots of baking. I made buttermilk cupcakes with Swiss meringue buttercream for the kiddos, and Tiramisu cupcakes for the grown people. And then I threw in some pumpkin whoopie pies for good measure, because who doesn't love a whoopie pie? Hopefully, they all ended up happily in peoples’ tummies. There were a lot of delectable desserts on that buffet table…

And then there was Friday. Scott and I took off work, so we could hang out with Aimee et al. on her last full day in Kansas. We met them at The Legends for lunch at T Rex, then had to hustle back to Lawrence to take pictures of all of the cousins (because hey guess what, the Kemmeter Curse of Lateness struck once again and no one made it up here until 1pm and then we had to rush and eat and dash back to Lawrence, but it was still a lot of fun anyway). Anyhoo. Will post a link to the photos whenever it’s available so everyone can check them out, 'kay?

Saturday we went to a Halloween party. It was all for the kiddos (well, except for the fancy "mommy only" cider) and it was so much fun! I love to see all the wee ones dressed up in costumes. Our dear little man has an As Yet Unannounced costume but I knew he wouldn't like it too much for this shindig (it's a bunting and he can hardly move in it), so we did the next best thing. We dressed him up as his idol, Patrick Swayze. The Chippendale SNL Patrick Swayze, to be more exact. Um yeah it was pretty bad ass.

And how is the boy doing these days, really? Ah, he's fine. Still lovin' the cereal, in fact we're thinking of adding some oatmeal to that diet in the near future (I KNOW SO EXCITING). He still sucks at sleeping through the night, but has had a yucky cough lately so I don't blame him too much for getting up a million times. He'll get it eventually, and to be honest while the exhaustion is a Total Suck I kinda like getting up with him. We keep NPR on all night in his room so we usually groove to some jazz and listen to news bits and I think about things like wow - someday, I'll think back on this and it will seem like it was all a daydream. So I rock him and he snuggles and even though it's 3am and we're up for the 3rd time, I appreciate it a wee bit.

He is such a sweet baby, with chunky thighs and chub-cheeks and goofy mooooooo noises and funny faces, whose whole face lights up just because I happened to move into his field of vision. My little man, my sunshine baby. Thank goodness for Scott's happy genes is all I have to say. This kid got them in spades.

That's it for me this week - check ya later.

25 October 2009

Totally Different. But Maybe A Little The Same.

So, just for fun, a picture of me as a babe:

And the Pete Monster:

Yeah? So maybe the eyes, you think? Something, anything, hmm?? At least I can take comfort in the fact that he got his finger-sucking from me.

22 October 2009

At the Park with the Kemmeters!

As I promised, more park pictures. Enjoy!

18 October 2009

Weekend Update 10.18.09

Let's see, let's see...

Scott bottled the Weizenbock (see there dear? I spelled it correctly this time...).

I had my hair cut for the first time in FOREVER and also hunted down my brow girl (who left my previous salon), so it was a good week. I feel a little more like a lady again...

You know, I lost all the baby weight. Like, in 6 weeks' time. It was awesome, and I totally credited the fact that I nurse the baby. Magical! Wonderful! It's just like everyone says!! So, given the fantastic loss in such a short period, I continued to eat like I did for those 6 weeks (which would be: enjoying dessert and assorted snacks whenever I wanted, huzzah). But guess what, my pets. My clothes are getting a little tight if I must admit it, so I weighed myself - up 4 pounds as of this week, not amused. So much for that diet plan. As of this week, the healtheir eating begins again, and I need to find a gym. And now you see, the nice fresh cut and wax really helped the old self-esteem.

And the big news of the weekend - Aimee is in Kansas! Aimee, Jasmin, and the twin babies visited for a week. We headed to Pittsburg for the weekend and I gotta say, it went by in the blink of an eye. Sadness.

We then had a long, loooooong drive back to Lawrence Sunday night. Peter did not take the drive well, to say the least (there are still barf stains in the back seat). But hey, let's not dwell on that. Pictures from the weekend with the Kemmeters below :)

Oh yeah! I gave Mahni her birthday present from us early, as I knew she'd love it - her very first digital camera. She appears to really like it.

Peter charmed the ladies, as usual.

Mahni gave me the tour of Muzzy and Dad's bathroom renovation - so different! Looks great already, even though there are still a few things to finish up.

Beah and Jasmin chat it up.

Paul... just... yeah. Whatever.

OMG, Tinnie finally joined Facebook!

We took a few trips to the park. I have a bunch of pictures from those trips, so we'll do a separate post for that.

Georgie and Dad caught up on their television together.

Mmmmm, Elise loves M&Ms. Lick-the-bowl good.

More to come shortly...